Imagine an Agile World!
Welcome to Agile World Institute ! University and Univercity
Since 2008, Agile World Institute (AWI) is a non profit organisation which aims to gather people and which links professionals and enterprises to collaborate at least once per year on some commun projects. AWI aims also to favor the development of Agile communities like AgileAlliance and ScrumAlliance and network like APLN. We want also to favor works on Agile topic by all scientific research laboratories .For this reason, we have created several projects.
Agile{Tour}WorldThe Best of Agile Tour - 2017 at Da Nang, Vietnam - A Conference presented by the local AgileTour OrganizersRead more... |
Agile Tour®Since 2008, Agile Tour is a series of non-profit events over several cities throughout October and November. In 2010, This event is composed by 44 cities all around the world. The Agile Tour mindset is in action: "If you don't come to Agile, Agile will go to you!" [slogan of 2008]. Since 2009, Agile Tour are became the biggest event of world.Read more... |
Agile Ambassador®Each year, several people works hard for making to evolve the Software industry. They are probably Agile Ambassadors.Read more... |
Chaos And Agile In ActionIn 2009 and 2010, we organized "Chaos And Agile In Action". Currently, it's a scientific track into Agiletour event about Research and Communication on Agile evolutions.Read more... |
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